Knights Templar

Knight Templar by AxisRooms - Automated Hotel Price Intelligence & Revenue Management platform

A thousand years ago, the Knights Templars were among the most wealthiest people in all of Europe. Legend has it that they possessed a secret so powerful, none would question their authority. Flash forward to this day, at AxisRooms, we have a built a revenue management system for hoteliers that takes its inspiration from the same legend.

Knights Templar (KT) is a system that aims at demystifying the art & science of Revenue management. Our goals are two-fold:

  • Provide revenue managers with relevant data points at their fingertips so that they are laser focused in making strategic, game changing decisions.
  • Maximize revenues & profits for hoteliers through disciplined analytics at the micromarket level.

Get a snapshot of how your hotel is performing

Because without measurement, you can't set targets and achieve the revenues you are looking for

Setup pricing rules

To yield the most optimal rate based on hotel occupancy

Surge Pricing & booking window

Know your booking pace pattern and yield up with definite growth & revenue impact to the bottomline... this is the heart of revenue management

Publish optimized rates for each room type & rate plan using Integrated Channel Manager

Let the system take care of updating rates for the next 365 days

Leverage competition pricing data through the GoldenEye system to further optimize online rates

With KT, you get GoldenEye for free!, 10 Compsets, 120 days of future competition data, rates refreshed on daily basis.